Social Media Must Have Multiple Perspectives


In Cathryn Sloane’s article Why Every Social Media Manager Should Be Under 25, she surfaces some interesting points that have undoubtedly stirred the pot of discussion for communication rookies and veterans.

In my opinion, Ms. Sloane’s best point is toward the middle of the article when she describes the nature of Millennial’s progress in the social space.

“The key is that we learned to use social media socially before professionally, rather than vice versa or simultaneously. After all, it is called social media; the seemingly obvious importance of incorporating comforting social aspects into professional usage seems to go over several companies’ heads.”

I believe there is truth to Sloane’s above point. Let’s break it down. Media, through a marketing lens, are the channels and platforms that connect brands to consumers. Social, according to, is pertaining to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations. It’s the only media that allows us to garner two-way communication with a brand’s audience. That’s pretty powerful. Understanding that raw, social element of this platform is powerful as well.

However, social media is still in the process of being defined. Every day we move closer to maximizing its utility. But that’s the situation for everyone, not one specific age group. As the Disney classic, High School Musical cast would sing, “We’re all in this together.” (insert millennial immaturity joke).

But seriously, there’s absolutely room for everyone in the development and use of this powerhouse of a medium. I think Cathryn’s piece would have made more sense if she changed a single word in the title. Omit “managers,” insert “team.”

In my eye’s the bottom line is that there should never be any implementation of content on any platform without a solid content strategy. While I may be biased in saying this, Millennials are probably better at executing social media tactics due to the nature of our learning. That doesn’t mean we can effectively manage a brand’s social presence without some qualified help.

Now, I think a  strategy discussion would be dangerous without a trusted veteran in the room with seasoned experience needed for any brand strategy. It’s simply a variety of people at that table, brainstorm or party.

I see both sides of this discussion, which may sound like a cop-out, but it’s not. Using multiple perspectives is exactly what social media needs to stay well-nourished and grow.

Just one Millennial’s opinion, what’s yours? Comment below!

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3 thoughts on “Social Media Must Have Multiple Perspectives

  1. sarko3 says:

    Anthony, your ideas were spot on with mine. In fact, my title includes the word “team” not “manager.” Like you, I believe that millennials are generally more comfortable with social media, however, we lack the experience in executing brand strategy. That is why I think companies should add a “younger” member to their social media team alongside more well-versed veterans. This relationship will benefit the company with both “young” and “old” perspective and tactics that would be very effective for a company’s social media strategy.

  2. djenders says:

    Great post, and the essence of a team is displayed here. We should all be working together to teach each other and make great ideas (and conversation) happen for our clients. And of course, tie it all back to goals and a strategy.

    Nice job,

  3. Well you got me here. This is really a great post and made me think in a different way then I previously had. I think the fact that it is a team is so important and is a huge way to gain creativity and because of this it is important to have people of all ages to give perspective and opinions from their unique view point. Great points made here and a well done blog.

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